Title 1
What is Title I, Part A?
Being a Title I, Part A school means receiving federal funding to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars can be used for…
Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these students meet the State’s challenging content standards.
Purchasing supplemental: staff, programs, materials, and supplies.
Conducting parent and family engagement meetings, training's, and activities.
Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The amount of money given to each school depends on the number of low-income families enrolled in the school.
Goals of Title I
Increase academic achievement.
Provide direct instructional support to students.
Provide professional development for teachers.
Promote parent and family education and involvement.
The main goal of Title I is to provide a higher quality education for every child.
ESEA School Public Accountability Reports
Florida's School Public Accountability Reports have been generated to comply with federal legislation that requires annual report cards on the educational progress of schools, school districts, and the state.
Our Title I Program
The following links are provided to help you find more information about Medart's Title I Program.
This compact states what the teachers, parents, and students agree to do in order to be successful.
This plan is updated yearly to reflect the yearly goals for students achievement.
This brochure outlines the requirements, responsibilities, and goals for the Title I program.
Parent and Family Engagement Plan (PFEP)
This plan is updated annually and outlines how the school will provide opportunities for family involvement.